19 de noviembre de 2010

Abbreviations Used in Employment Ads

Abbreviations Used in Employment Ads

Read each abbreviation and guess its meaning. Click the answer button to see the answer.

  1. FT

  2. PT

  3. FT/PT

  4. 20 hrs

  5. am/pm

  6. eves

  7. M-F

  8. sal

  9. $9 p/h

  10. $450/wk

  11. $1,200/mo

  12. GED

  13. HS Dip

  14. exp

  15. pref

  16. req

  17. No exp req

  18. exp pref

  19. exp req

  20. 2 yrs exp pref

  21. min 2 yrs exp

  22. refs

  23. immed openings

  24. avail immed

  25. apply ASAP

(C) 2002 Nevitt Reagan